The NWS Elite organization was established in 1999, and over the years has run the most successful 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U and 18+ tournament team programs in Western Massachusetts. NWS Elite is a full Non-Profit 501c3 Corporation registered with the State of Massachusetts under ID #043559924, with a board of directors who are focused on providing the best programs we can for our players and participants.
In addition to our tournament teams, NWS Elite operates and supports Girls Fastpitch programs at places like the Players Edge New England and the Batter’s Box Softball & Baseball Training Facilities both in Westfield, Massachusetts. We offer fall/winter fastpitch training programs, softball skills clinics, hitting training programs, group/private and semi-private pitching lessons, and other specific softball training programs.
NWS Elite’s purpose is to provide an organization that promotes and utilizes the game of Fastpitch Softball to assist in the development of young women, who will then be able to utilize the skills they have learned such as teamwork, dedication and working towards their goals throughout their lives. Former NWS Elite players are now training and working
with “up and coming” fastpitch softball players all over Western Massachusetts. And we explain to our players, that when they complete their individual softball journey, we want them to return and “give back’ to the organization.
It should be noted that since we are a full 501c3 non-profit organization, we seek and receive donations that allow us to keep the costs to our players as low as possible. We also try to never let family financial issues prevent any player selected from participating in our programs. Over the years NWS Elite has built a reputation for establishing solid teams and operating quality affordable programs that ultimately benefit our players and participants. It is also with the help of our sponsors that we are able to continue offering our softball programs. Please support our sponsors so that we can continue to offer our programs in our area.
If you are interested in being a sponsor or a donor, please contact Chris Chrisanthopoulos,
NWS Elite President at 413-335-5824 for more information or visit our Sponsorship page.
If you would like to make a donation please click here.